Resonant State No. 5, 36 x 36 inches, ©Deidre Adams

New Year’s Day is one of my favorite days of the year. All of the hoopla and frenzied compulsive consumption associated with the holiday season is now officially over. Nothing left now but a bright new start, a clean slate full of hope and quiet promise.

I find myself reflecting on how fortunate I’ve been, not just this past year but for a long time, for family and friends and health and art. I don’t make resolutions, and I don’t make laundry lists of achievements and failures. I just want to be and to do. It could be a great day to go and clean up the studio, preparing myself for all the great art I’m going to make in the coming weeks (she said only somewhat self-mockingly). I could go out and do some photography, or I could go shopping. Did you know that “Is Costco open on New Year’s Day” was the 7th most popular Google search when I happened to try it this morning? Well, thankfully the answer is no, so there goes that idea. Still, the day is open to infinite possibility.

Whether you prefer to spend the day taking stock of where you are and where you want to be, or if like me, you just want to enjoy each moment as it comes, I wish you a very happy new year, with much joy and success, and the ability to recognize them in their many forms.