Don't Forget to Remember 60 x 60 inches oil on panel
For a Brief Moment II 60 x 60 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
Frame of Reference 60 x 60 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
From One to Another 60 x 60 inches acrylic on panel
In a Time Before Reason 60 x 60 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
Wave of Recognition 48 x 48 inches acrylic on panel
Seek Not to be Understood 48 x 48 inches oil on panel
That One Time 48 x 48 inches acrylic on panel
Activity is Motion 48 x 48 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
There Are no Words 48 x 48 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
Informal Analogy 48 x 48 inches acrylic on panel
Unquiet Mind 48 x 48 inches acrylic on panel
Sparseness of the Poetics 48 x 48 inches acrylic on panel
Spontaneous Yet Sincere 48 x 48 inches acrylic on panel
One Possible Interpretation 48 x 48 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
Dissertation 48 x 48 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
Epigraph 48 x 48 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
Episodic Memory 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel
Above the Fray 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel
Don't Be Blue 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel
Night Sky 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
The Probability of Finding It 40 x 40 inches oil on panel
Thinking of Another Time 40 x 40 inches oil on panel SOLD
Somewhere Else 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel
Tarantella 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel
For a Brief Time 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
Imperfect Recollection 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
Lost & Found ep. I 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
Much Has Transpired Since 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel
Prevailing Wisdom 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
Shade 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
The Song Remains the Same 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
Theory of Change 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
Heuristics of the Mystics 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel SOLD
Juggling With the Natural Order 40 x 40 inches acrylic on panel SOLD