Translations – a gallery for textile art


“Translations Gallery is a new art gallery in Denver, CO that is serving as a multitextural venue for both established and emerging artists. The gallery is an ambassador furthering the advancement of textile and fiber art forms on local, national, and international levels. Also, Translations Gallery is recognized as a destination for enthusiasts of these more contemporary art mediums.”
From the KMGH Channel 7 A*list web site listing.

Textile artists are indeed fortunate to have this top-notch venue dedicated to their art form. Gallery owner Judy Hagler and gallery manager Kate Merkel, along with the entire staff, are tireless in their efforts to promote textile art and artists. Their list of nationally and internationally known textile and fiber artists is indeed impressive. I feel especially lucky to have this gallery so close to home!

The piece next to the sign in the above photo is my Composition I, available at Translations Gallery.

Their current exhibition is weavings by James Koehler, on view through February 9.

January 23rd, 2008|Miscellaneous|Comments Off on Translations – a gallery for textile art

The first post

Well, I’m finally doing it. I said I wouldn’t, said I didn’t have time, inclination, etc. to be a blogger. I’m too shy, can’t talk about myself, who’d want to read anything I have to say, and so on and so forth. The reasons for not doing it are many. But the desire for introspection and personal growth, combined with the opportunity to make a larger contact with the outside world that’s provided by all this technology, have finally overcome my substantial fears, and here I am starting a blog. After battling the technical aspects of getting this going, I have little energy left for writing right now, but I did finally get this going on New Year’s Day — a great time for a new start. 

January 1st, 2008|Miscellaneous|2 Comments