France, Part 5 — Giverny


After a couple of days in Paris, we took a train to Vernon, whose French pronunciation was often ignored by members of our group, probably giving rise to varying reactions of amusement or perhaps consternation by the local residents. From there, it was a short ride in the van to Giverny, the home of our ArtStudy lodge. Giverny is a lovely small town in Normandy, full of picture-postcard scenery. In the image above is Chris, a local artist who is a good friend of the ArtStudy hosts, in front of one of his sand sculptures.

A few more images from Giverny (click any image for larger-format viewer):

While in Giverny, we were pampered each day with fabulous food both at the lodge and at the local restaurants. The lodge has a chef who came and prepared some special-occasion meals on non-restaurant days. For breakfast, we had fresh bread or croissants every day, along with a choice of fruit, Müesli, hard-boiled egg (not for me, thank you very much!), yogurt, and assorted juices. The coffee, accompanied by fresh half-and-half prepared from local milk and cream, was wonderful. Since Normandy is famous for dairy foods, we also had some great cheese selections. The thing that most stood out to me was how fresh everything was. Since I’ve been home, I’ve made a point of going to the farmer’s market every weekend to try to keep getting fruits and vegetables that are as fresh as possible.

On days when we didn’t have field trips, the day was spent painting en plein air. We had European style shopping carts that we loaded up with all of our supplies, including a TV tray for a table, and headed out to find a spot to paint. (I’ll post some of my paintings from the trip soon.) Then each day at 6:00, we journeyed down to Monet’s Garden with our supplies. The gardens were closed at that time, so the only people there were us and a few others, artists or photographers, who also had special permission to be there for two hours taking advantage of the beautiful landscaping and flowers. Here are a few of the photos I took in the gardens.

September 5th, 2009|France, Photography, Travel|2 Comments

A brief interruption…


Wall Sketch #1, photo transfer and watercolor on artist-made paper. 9×9 inches (matted to 15×15). ©2009 Deidre Adams.

I have a couple more France posts I want to do, but I’m back in school now, already behind, and I’ve had two more short road trips since my last post. I can’t believe how fast time is screaming by.

But I wanted to post these images while the topic is still fresh. Translations Gallery is going to be featuring some smaller works by their gallery artists, so I brought these in last week. These are mixed-media works on paper, matted and backed, and inserted into Clearbags. I will also have some full-size watercolors to post as soon as I get them to the gallery.


Landmarks #1, photo transfer and watercolor on paper. 8×10 inches (matted to 11×14). ©2009 Deidre Adams.


Landmarks #2, photo transfer and watercolor on paper. 9×9 inches (matted to 15×15). ©2009 Deidre Adams.


Landmarks #3, photo transfer and watercolor on paper. 8×10 inches (matted to 11×14). ©2009 Deidre Adams.


Wall Sketch #2, photo transfer, clear gesso, watercolor, and gouache on paper. 7×7 inches (matted to 13×13). ©2009 Deidre Adams.


Wall Sketch #3, photo transfer, acrylic gel medium, and watercolor on artist-made paper. 8×10 inches (matted to 11×14). ©2009 Deidre Adams.

France, Part 4 — Death Day


On Tuesday, some of us had had enough of the museum thing and wanted to change things up a bit, so we decided to pay a visit to Les Catacombes de Paris. This is an underground ossuary housing the remains of over 6 million former Parisians, built into an erstwhile quarry during the late 18th century. The catacombs were created to solve the problems of disease and other unpleasantness associated with the vast numbers of improperly buried corpses resulting from war, famine, and epidemics occurring over the past several centuries. The remains were systematically removed from existing cemeteries and relocated in the catacombs. An interesting history, with sometimes unintended humor in translation, is available here.

The bones are stacked neatly in piles, room after room. I couldn’t help thinking about the logistics of how it was done, and what was going through the minds of the people doing the stacking. It’s amazing to me that you can just go right up and touch them if you are so inclined (I wasn’t). They do check your bag as you come out though, to make sure you don’t take any souvenirs.

As you move throughout the tunnel, you see frequent monuments urging you to reflect upon your own life, because hey, you’ll be here yourself before too long.


And of course, human nature being what it is, the living feel compelled to leave their own mark:


After the Catacombs and lunch, the only remaining excursion appropriate to the day is a visit to Père Lachaise Cemetery. As any self-respecting cemetery afficionado knows, Père Lachaise is one of the most famous cemeteries in the world, and it’s the final resting place of such notables as Marcel Proust, Oscar Wilde, and Jim Morrison, to name a few. The Wikipedia entry has a good list of the most famous permanent residents.






It is certainly a different approach to cemeteries than I am used to here in the States.

August 18th, 2009|France, Travel|3 Comments