That was actually quite fun!
Somniloquence, 48 x 72 inches, acrylic & mixed media on panel
Last night was the opening reception for “What Lies Beneath,” a two-person show featuring me and artist Kim Gentile. As an introvert, I have to say that as a general rule, standing around for a couple of hours talking to people is not my first choice of entertainment. But last night was great; several friends I’ve not seen in a good long while showed up for it, and lots of people were very interested and asked me about the work. I have been making these long enough now that I’m quite comfortable talking about my process and inspirations, and no longer get that deer-in-the-headlights feeling that used to wash over me when someone would ask me about my work.
I got to meet Kim Gentile, the artist who painted these beautiful, lyrical abstract oils. I love her color sense and the balance between freedom and structure she achieves in her paintings. Go see some better photos of her work here.
And, icing on the cake – one piece has already sold! I’m so grateful to Point Gallery for giving me this opportunity!