Just a quick one today – working on this painting and feeling pretty good about the progress. I started this one over a year ago, and it has mostly just sat languishing in the studio. Every now and then I’ve dibbled and dabbled on it here and there, but I was feeling lost about the direction and totally not inspired.
But I recently had some sales (thanks Point Gallery!), which is great. And there’s nothing like having them ask me “are you working on anything big right now?” for a possible corporate client to light a fire under me. This one is 3 separate 36×60 panels, for a total of 108 x 60 inches. This is the biggest painting I’ve ever done, and I definitely don’t have the space or the strength to handle anything of that size except in pieces like this.
It’s also much looser than anything I’ve done recently, which was a challenge for me, yet spiritually freeing and very fun. I have a little bit more refining to do here and there, but I think it’s mostly done and won’t change a whole lot now.
Here’s what it looked like a year ago. One of the things that was stopping me was that I loved that large white shape two-thirds of the way across, and I couldn’t figure out how to move on without destroying it. But you see it is gone now, sacrificed in the name of progress.