Getting up to speed

Well, you have to expect that the first few posts are going to be awkward ramblings until the neophyte blogger can find her voice and get into a rhythm. There is so much to learn, and while I am slightly more technical than the average artist, I’m finding this all very bewildering. But my original intention for this journal was to keep it more art-related and try not to wander too far off track with boring details.

So to that end, here’s some art-related content. I’m working on two pieces now that aren’t coming together easily. Sometimes this happens, either because my original vision wasn’t very clear, or because it turned out to be hard to articulate. Let’s just take one of them to discuss for now.

Work from 12/27/07

I started the painting on this one a few weeks ago. I had a very clear idea of the colors I wanted to use and how I wanted to divide up the composition, but it just isn’t working at this point. It feels like 3 separate panels, and they aren’t integrated. I like each separate section, but they just don’t make sense together.

To attempt to solve this, I changed the color for the middle section. It became very flat at that point, so I used some dark values to bring out the shapes from the original piecing and make it more dimensional, and I changed some of the values in the vertical sections. It’s still not where I want it to end up, but it’s getting there.


I’ll keep working it at it.

January 3rd, 2008|Work in progress|Comments Off on Getting up to speed

The first post

Well, I’m finally doing it. I said I wouldn’t, said I didn’t have time, inclination, etc. to be a blogger. I’m too shy, can’t talk about myself, who’d want to read anything I have to say, and so on and so forth. The reasons for not doing it are many. But the desire for introspection and personal growth, combined with the opportunity to make a larger contact with the outside world that’s provided by all this technology, have finally overcome my substantial fears, and here I am starting a blog. After battling the technical aspects of getting this going, I have little energy left for writing right now, but I did finally get this going on New Year’s Day — a great time for a new start. 

January 1st, 2008|Miscellaneous|2 Comments